Alibis and Mistaken Identifications Attorney

Being accused of a crime based on a mistaken identification or inadequate alibi in New York or New Jersey is an incredibly daunting experience. With your future and freedom on the line and the potential for harsh consequences, you need a skilled and seasoned advocate to bring credibility to your truth. At Brustein Law, we understand the profound impact that these accusations can have on your life, reputation, and future, leaving you feeling powerless. However, Brustein Law's core mission is to empower victims of inadequate alibis and mistaken identifications to take a stand and fight back. Our dedicated team will provide strategic and relentless representation to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case. We are ready to start fighting for you today.

New York and New Jersey law provides many avenues for challenging mistaken identifications and presenting convincing alibi defenses. Our team is well-versed in these statutes and precedents, and we will ensure that your robust defense is built on a solid legal foundation. We will navigate the nuances of the criminal justice system with meticulous precision, ensuring you remain well-informed and empowered throughout the process.

Defending Against Mistaken Identifications

Though a gross miscarriage of justice, mistaken identifications are unfortunately common. Eyewitness identifications are frequently relied upon as the cornerstone of a criminal case but are highly prone to error. A study conducted by the Innocence Project showed that mistaken identifications occurred in the overwhelming majority of wrongful convictions that were later overturned by post-conviction DNA testing, occurring in sixty-nine percent of the sample of wrongful convictions studied. Moreover, according to an article in the Syracuse University Law Review, New York has the most wrongful convictions due to mistaken identifications of any state in the country. This shows that erroneous identifications are a pervasive problem across the American justice system. 

It's critical to work with a skilled and seasoned New York and New Jersey criminal defense attorney to challenge these mistaken identifications before they lead to a wrongful conviction. The experienced team at Brustein Law will fight aggressively, casting doubt on the accuracy of the identification and demonstrating to the judge and jury that there is reasonable doubt about your involvement in the alleged crime. We will meticulously investigate your case's circumstances, leveraging cutting-edge forensic technology, expert testimony, and an exhaustive examination of the facts to combat mistaken identification. Brustein Law doesn't believe in dead ends and will work with you every step of the way, exploring every option to present a strong defense.

The Importance of a Strong Alibi

A strong alibi is arguably the most effective component of a successful defense strategy. Suppose you were not present at the alleged crime scene and were implicated by a mistaken identification. In that case, it's imperative to establish that fact convincingly. The skilled criminal defense team at Brustein Law will work tirelessly to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and reconstruct the timeline of events to corroborate your alibi. We don't believe in dead ends. Whether by surveillance footage, electronic data, or witness testimony, we will explore every avenue to bring credibility to your truth.

Potential Consequences & Legal Recourse

Wrongful accusations can severely affect your freedom, reputation, and mental well-being. It's critical to seek legal representation so an experienced New York and New Jersey criminal defense attorney can intervene before the accusations become a conviction. Let Brustein Law bring credibility to your truth. Suppose you are facing criminal charges based on mistaken identity. In that case, our team will fight aggressively for the best possible outcome: a dismissal, acquittal, or a favorable plea. 

Suppose you have suffered harm as a result of a false accusation. In that case, we will explore every available option to seek compensation for your suffering, including lost wages, reputational harm, emotional distress, the legal expenses you've incurred presenting your defense, and more.

Contact Us Today

Suppose you or a loved one have been accused of a crime due to a mistaken identification or an insufficient alibi. In that case, Brustein Law is prepared to provide relentless and strategic criminal defense representation. Our experience with alibis and mistaken identification makes us ready to fight for you, your rights, your freedom, and your future. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.